Sofia Arroyo: Back on Top Chapter 1

Sofia Arroyo and Jazmin Sanchez in
Back On Top Chapter 1: Rock Bottom

“Sing it, bitch. Sing that shit while I wear this booty out, hoe.” said Lil Trey Trappa, the 18 year old rap sensation. “Your love is like water, I can feel it flowing through me. Though I already know, that this feeling’s gonna screw me. I should have played it cool, should have known that you would fool me. Cus you only wanted sex, yeah you only want to do me. Aaahhh, aaahhh, please Trey, not so rough. You’re so deep, it hurts. Aaahhh, aaahhh, AAAHHHHHHH!” cried out the 42 year old, big booty Columbian superstar entertainer, Sofia Arroyo. “Fuuuck yeah! Uuhhh, I just nutted, bitch. All up ya fat ass. Ya dig? Ha ha, who got next, yo?” said Lil Trey Trappa after emptying his load in Sofia’s fat Latina ass. “Yo Trey, lemme get some homey!” yelled out 18 year old, Young Kriminal, one of Lil Trey Trappa’s entourage and rap label mates. Sofia began getting up from the doggystyle position that she was in in the tub; only to be pushed back down into position as Young Kriminal got ready to have his way with her fat luscious butt cheeks. “Not yet, bitch. I gots next. Then Lil Popoff and then Mike Money.” said Young Kriminal before shoving his big black cock up Sofia’s fat ass. Sofia moaned and begged for mercy while Young Kriminal pounded her poor booty. Sofia looked over at Trey and said “You said I’d never have to take on the whole crew. Just you.” Lil Trey Trappa just ignored Sofia and went on his twitter page. All Sofia could do was take her anal pounding and wonder about how she got into this situation.

Sofia Arroyo, the 42 year old star of stage, film and the recording industry has been going through some rough times. 23 years ago she burst on to the scene with her smash hit, “Love is Complicated” and she began one of the most impressive runs in entertainment history. She won her first music award at the age of 19 and sixteen more followed. Along with a host of high profile films with some of the industry’s biggest and most respected stars. She even won an award for a play that she did on Broadway. Sofia’s home was full of awards and photos that chronicled her success, but when she got married everything went downhill.

For years she had played the sexy teacher, sexy maid, sexy mistress and a lot of other sexy roles in movies. As for her music she wore the sexiest outfits and had some of the most scandalous shows. She was the ultimate sex symbol. All of this changed when she met Julio Hernandez, a latin music star that she had met in a recording session. Julio was nowhere near as big as Sofia was in the United States and around the world, but he was the biggest thing to the Latin public. His love ballads were legendary and he was always true to his roots. Julio was the first person to get Sofia on a Spanish language song and she loved the feeling of love and respect she got from her fellow Columbians. Some of that love spilled over into her personal life and she eventually married Julio. Julio was just two years older than Sofia, but he was very strict and Sofia did whatever he told her. Although Julio had fallen in love with Sofia’s booty shaking music and sexy curves, he wanted her sexiness all to himself. Julio demanded that Sofia turn down sexy roles. Instead of being the hot mistress, she was playing frumpy mothers. Instead of high sexually charged dance songs, she was performing power ballads in classy, more age appropriate clothing. For all of Julio’s demands, after just two years of marriage everything came to an end because of his infidelity.

Sofia found out about the news of her husband leaving her in the worst way, on the CGT celebrity news show. “Welcome to Celebrity Gossip Television, CGT! Today we have the shocking news that Latin Singer Julio Hernandez will be filing for divorce from his superstar wife Sofia Arroyo and that he’s having a baby with a 22 year old stripper named Caramel. Nicki what do you think this means for Sofia and her career?” said CGT anchorman Stevie Powers. “Well Stevie hopefully it means that she’ll get back to making sexy music and regain her place at the top of the music industry where she belongs. We’re all tired of that bs latin music she’s putting out and there are a lot of hot young things out here now that have taken her spot.” said CGT anchorwoman Nicki Ravelli. “Absolutely Nicki, but only time will tell if Sofia still has what it takes.” said CGT anchorman Stevie Powers.

Sofia turned off the TV and started to cry her eyes out. She tried numerous times to call her husband, but he wouldn’t pick up the phone. Finally later in the evening he confessed that the story was true and that he was leaving her. He also told her that he was dropping her from his latest European tour and that he wanted nothing more to do with her. Sofia was a broken woman. To make matters worse, Sofia found out that her soon to be ex husband had a big gambling problem. He had ran through most of their savings. When this news broke people thought that Sofia was probably done for good. For weeks people speculated on how she would bounce back. After taking her time to grieve the loss of her relationship and a big chunk of her wealth, she finally called up her manager to see if anything was lined up.


Sofia’s manager was her best friend and cousin 43 year old, former big booty back up dancer, Jazmin Sanchez. “Aye mami, you finally called. When I drop by I see you in the house, but you won’t come to the door or nothin’. I’m soo happy to hear from you. Are you ready to go back to work?” said Jazmin. “Yes Jaz, I’m ready. Fuck Julio, he was holding me back. You were right. I just fell in love with him and lost myself. I’m ready to be my old sexy self.” said Sofia with more confidence than she had shown in years. “Alright wonderful, mami. I have been getting calls from a lot of people, but the biggest money seems to be coming from Papa Shake from Wild Out Records.” said Jazmin. “Uhh, you can’t be serious Jaz. That ex-con with the hip-hop label? In my early years I did a few hooks for some rappers and even did a song with Dr. Kool Love, but he was a legend and that was a long time ago.” said Sofia who was totally against the idea. “Listen mami, I’m lookin out for you, like always. Papa Shake is the richest man in the biz right now and his artists are controlling the charts. Speaking of Dr. Kool Love, Papa Shake signed him a few months ago. I didn’t know he was still alive until they put out that hit record for him. Trust me mami, you need this.” said Jazmin in a sincere tone. Sofia replied, “Ok Jaz, set up the meeting.”

Two days later the two big booty Colobmian woman showed up to the house of hip-hop mogul Papa Shake. “Aye dios mi, Sofie, this place is gorgeous.” said Sofia’s manager Jazmin. “Actually it is quite nice. I was expecting some tacky ghetto shit.” said Sofia who was taken a back by the gorgeous suburban estate that Papa Shake lived in. Out of nowhere Papa Shake came up from behind the ladies and whispered in Sofia’s ear, “If you like this, you should see my villa in the south of France.” Sofia was startled and embarrassed by Papa Shake overhearing her comment. Sofia then said, “Uhhh, uhhh, I didn’t mean anything. Not that black people don’t have taste. Uhhh, I just, uhhh…” Papa Shake started laughing and said “Chill baby girl, it’s all good. A nigga do play that hood image like a muhfucka on them records, but we livin’ like Trump in real life. Ya feel me?” Before Sofia could answer Jazmin jumped in and said “Si Papa, I feel you 100 percent.” Moments later Sofia saw an old friend in the distance. “AY GIRL! LONG TIME NO SEE!” yelled out the man. Sofia squinted her eyes and finally noticed that the figure in the background was her old friend and music collaborator, 39 year old rap legend Dr. Kool Love. “Oh my God, Kool, is that you?” said Sofia who was running toward him. Dr. Kool Love finally got to Sofia and said “Yeah girl, it’s ya boy.” The two hugged each other and began reminising.

Meanwhile Jazmin was all up in the face of the 31 year old rap mogul, Papa Shake’s face. “So Papa, what we gotta do to make this happen, papi?” said Jazmin. Papa Shake said “Well Ms. Jazmin, I’m glad you finally got back to me. I been wantin’ to get at cha girl for a minute. I brought y’all here really just to talk. You know I just signed a few new female singers. We might not need your girl anymore.” Jazmin’s face dropped and she said “Please Papa Shake, I’m gonna keep it real with you. Sofia didn’t even want to come to this meeting, but I begged her. You’re the only big name that has been calling for her. She really needs this deal, we really need this deal.” Papa Shake looked Jazmin up and down and said “Hol’ up! ‘Love is Complicated’ video. You was the girl on Sofia’s right side. Right?” Jazmin, who always liked getting remembered for her back up dancer days said, “Yup Papa, that was me. I was a hot little thing back then. Ha ha.” Papa Shake got closer to Jazmin and said “You still a hot thing now lil mama. You got some wrinkles on your face and you ain’t as tight as you was back then, but that booty got even fatter. Damn, it’s as big as Sofia’s. I used to beat off to that video when I was like 9, 10 years old. I used to dream about being in your ass.” By this time Papa Shake had placed his hand on Jazmin’s massive left butt cheek and started gropping her. Jazmin looked over at Sofia talking to her old friend and thought that she would do whatever she had to for her cousin to get back on top. Jazmin looked into Papa Shake’s eyes and reluctantly said “Papa, I’m a married woman, with two college age children. I love my husband, but I would do anything to get my cousin back on top where she belongs.” Papa Shake licked his lips and escorted Jazmin into the pool house.

While the 43 year old, big booty, married Colombian woman, Jazmin was prostituting her fat latina ass to the 31 year old, black hip hop mogul, Papa Shake, her client/cousin was still catching up with her old friend, 39 year old hip hop legend, Dr. Kool Love. “Damn Kool, you’re looking good. How long has it been?” said Sofia. Dr. Kool Love replied “Baby it’s been a good 15 years. After you blew up you were M.I.A. and a nigga couldn’t get a workin’ number for you.” Sofia put her head down and said “I know Kool. I’m so sorry about that. Hell if it wasn’t for you I would have never gotten my big break.” Kool started smiling and said “Ha ha, yeah. I remember. I was on Fresh Jamz Records. I had a few hits, but my “Kooler than Kool” record was about to drop and I knew it would be major. I had just turned 16 and you and your cousin had shown up to be dancers in the video.” Sofia interrupted and said “Yeah, I remember. I was 19 and Jaz was 20. I knew for sure you weren’t gonna pick us.” Kool interrupted and said “…and then I saw them booties! God damn. It was like each of y’all had stuffed basketballs in your spandex pants. I remember walked up to Jaz, playing it cool and saying ‘yeah, I’ll take you baby’ then I grabbed her booty wit both hands. She giggled and shit. Then I went over to you and…” Sofia interrupted and said “…and I slapped you before you could lay a hand on me.” Kool said “Ha ha. I still picked y’all though. I even made you the main girl in the video. I still think that song blew up because you was the main girl. A few weeks later, the big boys at Massive Records called up my people asking about you and the rest was history. They didn’t even knew you could sing then. Ha ha ha. They just saw the face and the booty, but when you sang. Girl…you knocked them out.”

While Kool and Sofia continued catching up. Papa Shake had Jazmin doing some of the dance moves from Sofia’s “Love is Complicated” music video. “Get it girl, shit you still got it baby.” said Papa Shake while he turned up his stereo system to blast the song. Jazmin definitely still had it. She didn’t skip a beat with the dance moves. Papa Shake danced around her doing his own dance moves before grabbing Jazmin by the hips and grinding on her. Jazmin was still trying to do the original moves until she realized that Papa Shake was ready for something more. Jazmin sighed and looked over her shoulder and said, “Papa, is that gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.” Papa Shake laughed and said, “Ha ha, I got my gun in the crib, you must be talking about this cock. Oh shit, I’m a terrible host. I haven’t offered you anything to drink or anything to EAT. I know you hungry girl. Yeah you hungry for this cock right bitch?” Papa Shake then rapidly turned Jazmin around and told her to get on her knees. Jazmin obeyed and Papa Shake grabbed her by the hair and placed her face in his crotch. “Jazzy, use your teeth to pull down my shorts. After you get them off suck my dick fo’ me, aight?” said Papa Shake who reached for his ringing cell phone from his pocket. Jazmin did as she was told it took her about two minutes but she finally got Papa Shake’s shorts down with her teeth and she was staring right at his huge black cock pointed right at her mouth. “Aight, I’ll call the lil nigga now. Damn!” said Papa Shake who was still talking on the phone. Jazmin closed her eyes, opened her mouth and moved in to start sucking Papa Shake’s big black cock. Before she could get it in her mouth Papa Shake started wiggling his hips side to side in order to slap Jazmin in the face with his cock. Papa Shake started laughing like crazy. Jazmin felt completely embarrassed, but she tried to play it off by laughing. Papa Shake then took his left hand and slapped Jazmin in the face and said, “Bitch what are you laughin’ fo’, you da joke.” Papa Shake then took the same hand that he slapped Jazmin with and grabbed her by the hair and shoved his cock down her throat and started to force feed her cock while still talking on the phone.

Back outside, “Yoooo, I can’t believe you never gave me none. It was cus I was black, right?” said Dr. Kool Love with a big smile on his face. Sofia rolled her eyes and said “Please, you were a kid and by the time you were grown we were buddies. Besides, I remember walking in one you fuckin’ Jazmin after the video shoot.” Kool looked shocked and said “Damn girl. You knew about that.” Sofia said “Yeah, I kept it on the low because you were just 16 and she was 20. I didn’t want Jazzy to get in any trouble.” Kool started laughing “Ha ha ha, aww man. I had some groupie love before that, but bustin’ your cousin’s booty was the ultimate. She let me hit for about 2 years. Damn, if she wasn’t married I’d probably be trying to get a piece of that now. Both of your booties got bigger.” Kool started laughing even harder. Sofia was trying to give him the serious look then she started busting out in laughter too and said “Kool, you are too much, boy.”


As rap legend Dr. Kool Love was reminicsing about Jazmin’s fat Colombian booty, Papa Shake was about to get all up in her Jazmin’s fat Colombian booty. “Uhh, uhhh, aaahhh fuuuck yeah. Oh, what, nah I ain’t beatin’ off lil nigga. I’m getting my dick sucked by this thick ass latin bitch. I’m about to bend her over and bust her ass open.” Jazmin finally opened her eyes and looked up at Papa Shake, who she had been sucking off for the last 10 minutes. Papa Shake continued talking on the phone with one hand on the back of her head. “But seriously though. Trey, you’re about to be 18 lil nigga. You gotta be more responsible. Y’all little niggas need to make it to your shows. I talked to your mananger and you keep giving that nigga the shake. He finds y’all like an hour later at a strip club or laid up with some bitches. How y’all little niggas even getting into the club? Nevermind, fuck it. Come to the crib right now and leave the rest of your little niggas at home, aight?” Papa Shake then hung up the phone and put both hands on the back of Jazmin’s head and started power fuckin’ her mouth. “Ha ha ha, I’m ready for that booty. I bet you got some good pussy, but I ain’t got no rubbers and although y’all spic muhfuckas got dough, I’m the richest nigga you know. Ain’t givin’ you no meal ticket baby, ya feels me?” said Papa Shake while pulling Jazmin up by her hair and bending her over the expensive piano that he had sitting in his luxurious pool house.

Meanwhile, “I’m sorry about Julio. I’m not gonna ask you about it. I’ll let that shit be.” said Kool. Sofia said “Thanks luv.” Then Kool said, “But you gotta tell me this, Wild Out Records? You’re like one of the queens of pop music. Up there with Madonna and Janet and you’re signing with Wild Out?” Sofia smiled and said “I know right, but hey sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. You’re a legend and you’re signed to Wild Out now. What up wit dat homeboy?” Kool laughed at his big booty Colombian friend trying to talk hood and then he said “Well Fresh Jamz Records got tired of my records not selling. They weren’t promoting me right. Shake came to me at an awards show and he had the right contract with the right incentives. Like it or not, Wild Out Records is the game right now. Shake is a good dude though. He’s not a thug like folks say. He’s a business man. Oh shit, might we get to do another track together?” Sofia smiled and said “Oh like we did ‘Lovin In Da Hood’?” Kool said, “Most def, imagine this. 20 years later we drop ‘Lovin In Da Hood 2012’. Shit would be crazy.” Sofia just shook her head and said “Wow, 20 years later. We are soooo old.” The two started laughing their asses off.

With Sofia and Kool outside preoccupied, Jazmin was in the pool house getting the ass fucking of a life time from Papa Shake. “Damn you’s a nasty bitch. Let’s see how deep this booty goes.” said Papa Shake who was wearing only a tank top and a pair of pair of basketball sneakers. Jazmin, who’s babydoll dress was up around her waist and who’s panties were rolled up under her massive Colombian ass cheeks, tried her best to brace herself for the deep anal pounding. “Please, papi, uuhhh, uuhhh, have mercy on mi culo.” said Jazmin who was fighting back tears. Papa Shake just laughed and used his hands to spread Jazmin’s ass cheeks out as much as he could to get as deep in her asshole as possible. Papa Shake’s phone began to rang again but he was too focused on fucking Jazmin’s ass that he just let it ring.

Outside Sofia and Kool noticed what looked like a little kid in sagging skinny jeans and a tight plaid t-shirt. Sofia said “Who’s that? Does Papa Shake have a son?” Kool just rolled his eyes and said “Nah, girl. That’s the little pint sized prince of hip hop. The little jackass, Trey.” Sofia thought for a second and then said “Oh, Lil Trey Trappa. They play his ‘Those Go Down’ song in my spin class. I don’t really follow his lyrics, but the beat is nice.” Kool said, “Oh you mean, ‘Hoes Go Down’. You all must be listening to the edited versions. Fuck here he comes. Lil Trey Trappa aka Trigga Trey aka Trigga da Trappa aka whateva.” “What up grandpa? Damn who dat wit chu? I might have to knock you fo’ ya bitch playboy!” yelled at the rapidly approaching pint sized rap star Lil Trey Trappa. Lil Trey Trappa was about 5’4″ a few inches shorter than Sofia and about 8 inches shorter than Kool. Trey was basically Lil Bow wow meets Lil Wayne. He had a whole lot of tattoos, dreadlocks and all the girls and ladies loved him. As soon as Trey stood in front on Sofia and Kool he said, “Oh damn, my bad. Dayum…you Sofia Arroyo. You bad as fuck on some real shit. Yo you need to come to my birthday party. We gonna have strippers, mad champagne and just mad wild shit. Wild Out Records type shit baby.” Sofia said “Uh, I think I have to decline Trey. Wait, strippers and champagne? Aren’t you still a teenager?” Trey just smiled and moved close to Sofia and said “I’m bout to be 18 in like two months shawty. I’m damn near grown. You need to holla at me. I heard about your break up too. Damn ma, how much ass the other bitch have for him to leave you for her?” Sofia was shocked at what Trey had said and Kool steped in between them and told Trey to back up.

Trey didn’t take too kindly to Kool coming in between him and Sofia. “Ayo homeboy. 5 numba ones dis year, nigga. 1 million records sold in the first week, nigga. Who duh fuck you think you is steppin’ in my face, nigga?” Dr. Kool Love looked right into Trey’s face and said “Lil nigga I been setting stages on fiyah back when ya mama was beggin’ to get back stage to dome me nigga. Get ya mind right.” As arrogant as Trey was he was smart enough to fall back from dissing Kool. The fact was if Kool wanted to he could beat the living shit out of Trey and not even break a sweat. “Aight homeboy, chill. My bad dawg. You’s a legend. Much like this fine latina here. My bad ma. I ain’t mean to step wrong to you, but yo, what bring you to Shake’s crib.” said Trey. Sofia looked down to Trey and reluctantly said “Well I’m going to be signing to Wild Out and…” Before Sofia could continue Trey rushed her and gave her a hug and said “Damn ma, welcome to the label. We ’bout to be label mate shawty.” Sofia hugged Trey back and after a few seconds Trey smoothly slid his hands down to Sofia’s big fat Colombian ass and said “Oooo, mmmmmm, damn. I’ll bless you wit a 16 if you let me take this fat ass home wit me.” Sofia tried to pull back but Trey had a good grip on her booty. Kool jumped in and ripped Trey off of Sofia and threatened to kick his ass. Trey, while still being gripped up by Kool said “Damn big homey, it’s like that. My bad. Do ya blame me dawg?” Kool really couldn’t blame Trey. Back when he was Trey’s age he was trying to grab Sofia’s ass too. Trey continued “Anyway, I’m here to see Shake. Is he done bustin’ that freak’s ass?” Sofia said “What?” Trey said “When I was on the phone wit Shake he said he was wearin’ out some freak latina with a dumb fat booty.”
Sofia started looking around frantically for her cousin Jazmin. Kool said “What’s wrong Sofia?” Sofia said “Where’s my cousin? Where’s Jaz? Where’s Papa Shake?” Trey started laughing and said “Dayum ma. Shake bussin’ down ya cuzzin? Can I get at yo cuzzin when Shake is done wit ‘er, shawty?” Kool smacked Trey in the back of the head and he followed Sofia who toward the pool house. Trey followed them as well to see what the commotion was about. As they got closer to the pool house they heard loud slapping noises and grunting. By the time they found Papa Shake and Jazmin, Jazmin was barely conscious with her torso laid out on top of the grand piano and her weak legs and booty handing over the edge. In fact, Papa Shake’s cock up her ass and his grip on her booty cheeks were the only things keeping her from falling down on the floor. *grunt* *grunt* *grunt* was the only noise that Jazmin was making. Papa Shake said “Uhhh yeah, bitch. I’m bout to nut.” Sofia yelled out, “Get off of her you animal!!!” Kool said “Damn Shake, she bout to pass out dawg. Let up on her.” Papa Shake then pulled his cock out of Jazmin’s big fat abused Colombian booty and she fell off of the piano and on to the floor. As she tried to stand up, Papa Shake stood over here and let the cum ooze from his cock all in her hair and on her face. Sofia rushed at Papa Shake, but Kool grabbed her and said “Tend to your cousin, Sofie.”

Sofia ran over to her cousin Jazmin who was laying on the floor covered in cum with her collossal Colombian booty gapping. Sofia then looked up at Papa Shake and she was speechless. Trey jumped in and said, “Yo Shake, let’s prop that bitch up so I can get a few strokes in her, ya heard me!” Papa Shake just laughed and said, “Nah lil homie. She gotta go. You too Sofia. We top notch at Wild Out. Don’t need no bitch that don’t wanna be on the label usin’ us for a comeback. Ya feels me?” Sofia, while pulling up her poor cousin’s panties and pulling down her dress said, “What are you talking about Papa Shake?” Papa Shake said “Well, yo’ cuzzin wanted to give me the ass for me to sign you. I was gonna do it, but then the bitch said you ain’t even want to fuck wit us. Now both y’all can go. Get that bitch up and outta here before I call my security.” Kool and Sofia helped Jazmin to her feet and Kool walked them to their car. Jazmin who was still a little dazed just kept apologizing for messing everything up. Sofia comforted her and told her it was ok. Kool said “Y’all get home safe. Call me Sofia. You got my number now. We’ll talk.”


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